
Showing posts from May, 2023

News Clippings of Foreign Students visit to Sevagram Ashram


News Coverge of visit of Students of 13 countries to Sevagram Ashram

Welcome For 13 Countries Students In Hindi University: हिंदी विश्‍वविद्यालय में 13 देशों के 31 विद्यार्थियों का हुआ भव्य स्वागत By Admin   May 27, 2023 Welcome For 13 Countries Students In Hindi University: 20 से 29 मई तक ‘भारतीय सांस्‍कृतिक संबंध परिषद का हिंदी विश्व यात्रा’ कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया वर्धा, 27 मई:  Welcome For 13 Countries Students In Hindi University: महात्‍मा गांधी अंतरराष्‍ट्रीय हिंदी विश्‍वविद्यालय में विभिन्‍न 13 देशों के 31 विद्यार्थियों का आगमन हुआ। उनके आगमन पर विश्वविद्यालय के प्रति कुलपति द्वय प्रो. हनुमानप्रसाद शुक्ल एवं प्रो. चंद्रकांत रागीट तथा कुलसचिव क़ादर नवाज़ खान की ओर से गुलाब पुष्प देकर भव्य स्वागत किया गया। विश्‍व स्‍तर पर हिंदी भाषा को बढ़ावा देने के उद्देश्‍य से ‘भारतीय सांस्‍कृतिक संबंध परिषद, नई दिल्‍ली द्वारा 20 से 29 मई तक ‘भारतीय सांस्‍कृतिक संबंध परिषद का हिंदी विश्व यात्रा’ कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया है। इसी कड़ी में 31 विद्यार्थी विश्वविद्यालय में पधारे हैं। इनमें ऑस्‍ट्रेलिया, डेनमार्क, दक्षिण,अफ्रीका, इटली, जापान, पोलैंड, मॉरीश...

Visit of Students from 13 countries to Sevagram Ashram

Visit of Students from 13 countries  to Sevagram Ashram  As a part of the Hindi Vishwa Yatra of Indian Council of Cultural Relations, New Delhi, a group of delegates from     viz. Australia, Fiji, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mauritius, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan  and  Tanzania reached India on May 20, 2023.   During their stay in the national capital the students have visited the Red Fort, the Prime Minister's museum and the National School of Drama, in New Delhi.  The group consists of  31 delegates from  13 countries. They  have attended lectures on democratic values and 75 years of India’s freedom at the Delhi University, and visited the Central Institute of Hindi, Agra. Under the programme, the ICCR facilitates visits of scholars/students studying Hindi abroad to India so that they can experience the nation’s culture through interactive programmes. The programme includes a variety of ses...

Anandshala Shibir for School Students

Anandshala Shibir for School Students Age group 12-17 years  June 7-9, 2023  

Ashram News:Repairing of Akhri Niwas .....


Ravindranath Tagore : A Universal Teacher- Bengali Translation

  রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর : একজন সর্বজনীন শিক্ষক                                                                                             সিবি কে . জোসেফ   রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর ১৮৬১ খ্রীষ্টাব্দের ৭ই মে জন্ম গ্রহণ করেছিলেন। অবশ্য ওঁর জন্মদিন পালিত হয় বাংলা ক্যালেণ্ডার অনুযায়ী, ২৫শে বৈশাখ। সে বছর ২৫শে বৈশাখ ছিল ৭ই মে। এই বছর অর্থাৎ ২০২৩ খ্রীষ্টাব্দে ২৫শে বৈশাখ পড়েছে ৯-ই মে।  ইউরোপের বাইরে তিনিই প্রথম ব্যক্তি, যিনি সাহিত্যে নোবেল প্রাইজ পেয়েছিলেন তাঁর গীতাঞ্জলি কাব্য গ্রন্থের জন্য। সে ’ টা ১৯১৩ সাল। ব্রিটিশ সরকারও সাহিত্যে অস...

Press Release Certification and Declaration of Peace Fellows

  PRESS RELEASE Distribution of International fellowship certificates and declaration of peace fellows International Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace (IFPNP 2022-23 ) organized by Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, Wardha in association with Gujarat Vidyapith, Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust and MGM University concluded on May 12, 2023 with the distribution of fellowship certificates and declaration of peace fellows. The academic sessions of this four months fellowship program was offered online from Oct. 02, 2022–January 30, 2023. In addition participants were also given an opportunity to participate in an international symposium/ conference on related themes held in January/ February 2023 in India. The Program aimed at introducing to the international participants the fundamentals of Gandhian nonviolence and peace; the dynamics of nonviolence; the ideas of Peace in the Global context and its conditions and constitu...

Certification and Declaration of Peace Fellows

International Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace (IFPNP 2022-23 ) organized by Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, Wardha in association with Gujarat Vidyapith, Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust and MGM University concluded on May 12, 2023 with the distribution of fellowship certificates and declaration of peace fellows. The academic sessions of this four months fellowship program was offered online from Oct. 02, 2022–January 30, 2023. In addition, participants were also given an opportunity to participate in an international symposium/ conference on related themes held in January/ February 2023 in India. The Program aimed at introducing to the international participants the fundamentals of Gandhian nonviolence and peace; the dynamics of nonviolence; the ideas of Peace in the Global context and its conditions and constitution; Methods of nonviolence action: struggle for justice and peace; construction of sustainable living. E...