International Fellowship Program on
Nonviolence and Peace (IFPNP 2022-23 ) organized by Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan,
Wardha in association with Gujarat Vidyapith, Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and
Memorial Trust and MGM University concluded on May 12, 2023 with the
distribution of fellowship certificates and declaration of peace fellows. The academic
sessions of this four months fellowship program was offered online from Oct.
02, 2022–January 30, 2023. In addition, participants were also given
an opportunity to participate in an
international symposium/ conference on related themes held in January/
February 2023 in India. The Program aimed at introducing to the international
participants the fundamentals of Gandhian nonviolence and peace; the dynamics
of nonviolence; the ideas of Peace in the Global context and its
conditions and constitution; Methods of nonviolence action: struggle for
justice and peace; construction of sustainable living. Eminent teachers
and facilitators from across the globe conducted the session. Notable among
them were Prof. Michael Nagler, USA Dr. Olek Netzer,Israel Dr. Michael
Sonnleitner, USA Prof. Pietro Ameglio Mexico,Dr. Christian Bartlof Germany
, Prof.Mark Lindely and Dr.Marke Wosinki ,USA.
In addition, young scholars, activists and academics like Leandro Uchoas, Brazil,Ms.Sri
Ratikha Indonesia ,Ms.Daniela
Sepulveda Ruiz, México, Dr.Poncho Hernández,México,Dr.Diana Barreto
Avila,México,Mr.Andrés Fabian Espinosa Torres Colombia, Ms.Mónica Elizabet Acevedo Gallegos,México Ms.Alma Patricia Glower Avila , México shared their experience and insights on peace and nonviolence .
distribution of fellowship certificates and declaration of peace fellows was organized on
the virtual mode on May 12, 2023
Prof. John Chelladurai, Dean, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies; Professor and Head , Department of Gandhian Studies, MGM University and one of the key facilitators of IFPNP welcomed the dignitaries and participants on behalf of organisers. In his welcome address ,he highlighted some of the unique features of the fellowship programme. He requested Dr. Siby K. Joseph, Director of Sri Jamnalal Bajaj Memorial Library and Research Centre for Gandhian Studies, Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, Wardha to present a brief summary of the fellowship program.
Prof. John Chelladurai is welcoming dignitaries and participants
Dr. Siby K. Joseph, Director,
IFPNP 2022-2023, Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan in his address stated that even though a summary report of the fellowship programme was published on the website of the ashram and website of the programme, it would be appropriate to give some information for the benefit of the audience. The formal announcement of the fellowship programme and launching of the website of the programme coincided with International Day of Peace that is September 21,2022 and the course wash launched on October 2, 2022, International Day of nonviolence that is Mahatma Gandhi's birthday and academic sessions for three days every week up to January 30, 2023, the day of Gandhi's martyrdom. He said the response to the course was overwhelming and it was evident from 110 applications we received from twelve countries (of Asia, Africa, Europe and
America).He concluded his report stating that nineteen candidates from Europe, Africa and India
successfully completed and qualified for the fellowship. It was from those 23
international and 28 national candidates who took the admission for the fellowship.Dr. Siby K. Joseph, Director, IFPNP requested Prof . Prem Anand Mishra, Dean, Faculty of Gandhian Studies, Gujarat Vidyapith and one of the key facilitators of IFPNP to announce the names of 19 persons who were qualified for the fellowship certificate and declared them as Nonviolence and Peace Fellows.

Prof.Prem Anand Mishra is declaring Peace Fellows
Prem Anand Mishra, Dean, Faculty of Gandhian Studies, Gujarat Vidyapith announced the names of 19 persons who were qualified for the fellowship
certificate. He also declared them as Nonviolence and Peace
Fellows. This certification was based on their attendance, evaluation of
monthly assignments, project report and other requirements for the
qualification of the same. On
receipt of this certificate the fellows should resolve to rededicate their life to the
cause of global peace and nonviolence. He also expressed his deep appreciation for all those who have joined the fellowship even though they could not qualify it. He expressed the confidence that they would also rededicate their life for the cause of peace and nonviolence.
Major Dr.Ashlesha Tawade sharing her experience as a fellow
Major Dr.Ashlesha Tawade in her sharing stated that she earlier understood Gandhi as a freedom fighter and political leader . But this fellowship program helped her to understand Gandhi as a social reformer, as an educationist and as a global visionary. We, in India, read about Bapuji as we grow up. It helped us to learn how he has been a hero, and how various schools of thought globally perceive him. In fact his philosophy of life was brought to us in the course of this fellowship. The teachers have been our gurus and mentors, allowing us to discover our own path to understand peace, non-violence, shown by Gandhi. The discussions and deliberations have facilitated us to embark upon our own journey to understand Gandhi. I feel fortunate to be a part of this cohort and as the fellowship culminates, I see myself to begin on the path of a life long process of his teachings. I thank my mentors for creating such an environment where we have freely voiced our perception before them. I think the greatest freedom of all is the freedom in thoughts and we learned during our fellowship. I have gathered a lot of understanding on Gandhi and how his thoughts have been relevant beyond time and generations.
Prof.Sunil Ganatra explaining his learning as a fellow
Prof. Sunil Ganatra in his sharing stated that before joining, there were a number of questions in our minds: Particularly, how can we solve conflicts with peace at both ends? What is the best way to communicate in a society where everyone can be respected? How can we develop society with sustainability? What is our core responsibility as citizens of this globe towards society and humanity? This program helped us all to understand the science of peace and non-violence. The regular classes elaborated on each and every aspect of peace and non-violence, keeping in mind the work of Mahatma Gandhi and other international peace movement leaders. The program also allowed us to explore and communicate regularly with international peace workers by arranging international level seminars and guest lectures. These interactions helped us to understand the ground level difficulties for peace and non-violence-seeking workers. Our learning reached its peak when we had the chance to communicate one-on-one with these eminent personalities. Today, as we finish the program, we are full of energy and enthusiasm to work for global peace and non-violence. We are well-aimed and focused due to this fellowship program. On behalf of all students, he thanked the organizers, faculty members, and experts. Their efforts will surely reflect on society once we all dedicate ourselves to working for peace and non-violence in society.

Mr.Ezema Marcus Jideofor explains how his learning as a fellow benefitted his Peace journey
Mr.Ezema Marcus Jideofor from Nigeria joined Major Dr.Ashlesha Tawade and Prof. Sunil Ganatra in expressing his deep appreciation for the fellowship programme from a country having a different cultural environment. He succinctly narrated how his learning as a fellow benefitted his peace journey in his own country in the context of grave challenges his country is facing. He explained how it helped him in enriching his understanding of peace and nonviolence from a Gandhian perspective. The fellowship provided the skills in dealing with conflicts and understanding various techniques of conflict resolution and conflict transformation. It is extremely important for us in the present world where the forces of violence are escalating.By accepting this fellowship we solemnly resolve to work for peaceful and sustainable world.
Dr.Michael Warren Sonnleitner sharing his impressions as mentor and Faculty of the IFPNP
Dr. Michael Warren Sonnleitner formerly Professor of Political Science, Portland Community College ,
Oregon state , U.S.A was one of the
mentors and key resource person of the
course who substantially contributed to the fellowship programme by regularly participating in it and guiding
through useful insights. He expressed
his appreciation as fellow traveller in this journey. He said for him it was not a merely
academic exercise but spiritual journey in understanding truth. He explained
how enjoyed the company of facilitators and fellows and expressed his good
wishes for all .
Mrs. Ashaben Bothra blessing the Peace and Nonviolence Fellows
Mrs. Ashaben Bothra , President Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, Wardha expressed her happiness in the successful completion of the International Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace initiated by the Ashram in association with other fellow partners. She offered her blessing to all persons who were declared as nonviolence and peace fellows and others who joined the programme. She said that she doesn't consider some as teachers, mentors and students but all involved in this programme are fellow partners who are desirous of creating a nonviolent and peaceful world. She reminded the responsibility of all in various capacities contributing towards nonviolence and peace. She thanked the whole team including the director who visualised this program and effectively implemented it. Sevagram ashram will be instrumental in spreading Mahatma Gandhi's vision of peace and nonviolence. Ms. Akshaya A Anant a senior faculty and corporate trainer and IFPNP fellow gave a brief introduction about the contributions of the President of the Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan through various responsibilities she is shouldering and thanked her for blessings and guidance.

Prof.Moolakattu Stephen John delivering Keynote Address
Prof Moolakkattu Stephen John currently
the Chief editor , Gandhi
Marg delivered the keynote address. He was
Formerly Professor and Director , School of Gandhian thought MG
University, Kottayam , IIT Madras, Gandhi Luthli Chair In Peace Studies(
2008-10)University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa and central University of Kerala
. He is currently ICSSR Senior Fellow,
School of International Relations & Politics, Mahatma Gandhi University . Mr. Susheel Kumar Gotla an artist and IFPNP fellow introduced the keynote speaker . He gave the brief educational background and his academic accomplishments such as Fulbright Visiting Lecturer
Fellowship and Commonwealth
Fellowship and a number of publications both nationally and internationally.
In his keynote lecture, Prof. John Moolakkattu gave a broad overview of peace studies and conflict resolution and the various phases through which the field traversed. He talked about early attempts made by Jayaprakash Narain to set up an institute for the study of peace and violence in Varanasi and the contributions made to the discipline by people like Sugata Dasgupta. He also defined peace as the absence of violence in its physical, structural and cultural dimensions. The question of justice was a central concern in peace studies. The young European scholars who were favourably disposed to the use of a small amount of violence were reminded by Johan Galtung that peace has to be established through peaceful means, the very title of this 1996 book. At the turn of the millennium, the UN’s quest for promoting a culture of peace led to an expansion of peace education. The NCERT in India also brought out a handbook for use at the higher secondary level. After the end of the Cold War, the discussion on promotion of democracy as a means to build peace gathered momentum based on the notion that democracies are inherently peaceful. Dr. John also talked about the gender questions and feminist contributions to the field. He also talked about nonviolence and nonviolent action and its variants, saying that it had assumed a trajectory of its own, both in its principled form as well as in its strategic form. He also narrated the significance of the 1992 Agenda of Peace of Boutros Boutros Ghali, which made a shift in the UN agenda from peacekeeping to peacemaking and peacebuilding
Prof. John then proceeded to discuss conflict and conflict resolution. He talked about the ABC triangle of Galtung and related it with conflict management, resolution and transformation. He said that it is not enough that we resolve the conflict; we should also try to repair the rupture in the relations that has taken place. This is done through reconciliation. It is here that the word transformation makes a difference. The commonly used technique of negotiations for resolution of conflicts works in situations where the parties are roughly equal in power. There are several conflicts where the parties are unequal and in such situations third party assistance is needed. Mediation, which is the most common form of third party assistance, is seen as a neutral activity. But people say mediators will have to side with the disadvantaged party when justice questions are involved. He concluded his lecture with the recent trends in the conflict resolution field such as a concern with culture, everydayness of the process of conflict resolution and the use of forgiveness as a tool for reconciliation and the ramification of these ideas with restorative justice.

Prof.Vilas Sapkal delivering his Presidential Address
Prof.Vilas Sapkal, Hon. Vice
Chancellor, MGM University an accomplished academician of
international repute with expertise in Membrane Science and Technology in
chemical process industry
presided over the function. He was formerly Vice Chancellor of RSTM Nagpur University and acting VC of Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Ramtek and Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University . Prof. John Chelladurai introduced the Hon. Vice Chancellor .He began his presidential address by stating how his field of expertise that is chemical engineering contributing towards environmental issues. He highly appreciated curriculum of the program by citing certain specific areas outlined in the module. He narrated how MGM university is promoting Gandhian thought through various measures including making it part of study of various disciplines. He also talked about MGM 's initiatives to promote peace and nonviolence through various educational endeavours. He appreciated the fellowship and conveyed his best wishes and blessing to all peace fellows who were given certificate of recognition.

Mr.Virat Kothari is proposing a vote of thanks
The program concluded with a vote of thanks from Mr.Virat Kothari of Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust Ahmedabad. As a fellow partner of this program he expressed the gratitude on behalf of the organizers.
I think all the Gandhian have lost their way in the middle or none of the Gandhians are alive to replace Academicians. It displays the band of restricted vigil with which Ashram is compromising.