News Paper Reports and photos


Address at National Library Mission's 47th five-day capacity building programme

  Dr. Siby K. Joseph, Director of Sri Jamnalal Bajaj Memorial Library of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan as the Chief Guest addressed   the inaugural function of the 47th capacity building programme of National Library Mission (NML) for public library staff organized by  Rajaram Mohan Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata and  Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha, from 7 to 11 October 2024.It was inaugurated at Ghalib Auditorium of the University. Prof. Krishna Kumar Singh Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University presided over the function and addressed the participants. Prof. Anand Patil, Registrar, Dr. Manoj Kumar Rai, Program Coordinator spoke on the occasion.  Ms.Yogita Chakole conducted the program The Doordharshan channel interviewed Dr. Siby K. Joseph after the inaugural session. About 50 public library employees from the states of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Goa have participated in this training programme.


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