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Global Week of Action on Nuclear Spending

No Money for Nuclear Weapons: 16-22 September

There are 91.4 billion other things money could buy 

Nuclear weapons programmes divert public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital services. The nuclear-armed countries spend more than $173,000 per minute on their nuclear bombs, over $90 billion each year. Meanwhile, the companies producing these weapons of mass destruction and their investors make billions in profit each year. That is why, from September 16 to 22, 2024 people all around the world are coming together with one clear message:  “No Money for Nuclear Weapons!”

What can I do?

Nuclear weapons affect all of us, so it’s up to all of us to push back against the absurd sums of money wasted on nuclear weapons. And this week of action is an opportunity for all of us to speak out.

Why do we need a week of action? 

Nuclear weapons are the only devices ever created that have the capacity to destroy all complex life forms on Earth. It would take less than 0.1% of the explosive yield of the current global nuclear arsenal to bring about devastating agricultural collapse and widespread famine. Nuclear-armed states' decision to divert public resources from health care and other urgent social needs to weapons of mass destruction is unconscionable. Nuclear weapons produce health consequences that span generations. No meaningful disaster relief is possible even to those who survive the immediate nuclear blast.

What can the money be spent on instead? 

There are 91 billion better uses for that money than weapons of mass destruction. What could we do if those exorbitant sums were actually used to address real needs?  

1 second of nuclear weapons spending = 16,994 vaccines

One second of nuclear weapons spending could provide UNICEF with 16,994 measles, mumps, rubella vaccines.

1 minute of nuclear weapons spending = 1 million trees

One minute of nuclear weapons spending costs as much as planting 1 million trees.

1 hour of nuclear weapons spending =535 solar powered homes

One hour of nuclear weapons spending costs as much as converting 535 homes to solar power


1 day of nuclear weapons spending = 125 football fields

One day of nuclear weapons spending costs as much as building 125 community football fields (both buildings and land)

1 week of nuclear weapons spending = 27 million with water

One week of nuclear weapon spending could provide 27 million people with clean water sanitation for a year.

1 year of nuclear weapons spending = 13 years of food

With one year of nuclear weapons spending you could feed the 45 million people who are in danger of famine for 13 years


Help us spread the word! 

WE request you to join ICAN  Week of Action from 16-22 September 2024
 International Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace   will commence on October 2, 2024 


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