Naya Ke Dwip Jalaye


100 Days Satyagraha  for Justice 

Satyagrahis lighting the candle after evening prayer at Satyagraha site

In protest of illegal occupation of Sarva Seva Sangh' s land and demolition of heritage buildings at Rajghat Varanasi by the Government and Department  of Railways Sarva Seva Sangh started 100 days on September 11 coinciding with the Birthday of Acharya Vinoba Bhave  who was the first individual satyagrahi selected by Mahatma Gandhi. 

On September 29,2024 Dr.Siby K.Joseph Director of Library and Research Centre of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan visited the Satyagraha site in Rajghat as a token of support for the satyagraha.In the evening after the prayer,Shri Prafulla Samantroy of Lohia Academy,Bubaneswar addressed the gathering on the 19th day of Satyagraha. Dr. Siby K Joseph also addressed the Satyagrahis and extended solidarity in their mission. 

Dr.Siby K.Joseph addressing the media


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