87 th Foundation Day of the Ashram

  Brief Report of the Foundation Day Programme of Sevagram Ashram 

April 30,2023

On 30 April 1936, Mahatma Gandhi settled in Segaon basically to understand the problems of the countryside, its development and to serve the people by living among them in a remote village without having basic facilities. Initially, he did not want to build an ashram here and he stayed in a makeshift arrangement in Seagaon. But his work began to take a wider form and the Ashram was in  the making in  the course of time. It became major centre for promoting village industries, basic education and constructive activities and nonviolent action.Though Mahatma resigned from the Congress all important decisions of   freedom struggle including the launching of India Movement were taken from here. Thus Sevagram became the defacto capital of India.  Since then this ashram has become a place of inspiration for people all over the world and it will continue to inspire the whole world in future also. On the occasion of the foundation day of this unique place of inspiration, a programme  was  organized by Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan on Sunday, 30 April 2023 morning  to revisit the events and thoughts  process of  Mahatma in the establishment  of the Ashram. 

On April 30, 2023, the 87th foundation day of Sevagram Ashram was celebrated in a befitting manner. The programme began at 8 am.   All the workers,   inmates and well wishers  of the ashram  assembled in front of Bapu Kuti, the iconic hut of Gandhi and  prayer meeting was organized in verandah of adiniwas the first residence of Gandhi. After the prayer meeting,all of them  walked to  the premises of newly built buildings of Library and Research Centre of the Ashram.  A public meeting was organized at the Seminar hall of the centre on the ocassion. Dr. Siby K.  Joseph Director, Sri  Jamnalal Bajaj Library and Research Centre of Gandhian Studies  addressed the meeting on theme significance of foundation day. He said  today's program is organized basically to rekindle the historical events that took place at the time of the beginning of the Ashram, 87 years ago, on 30 April 1936.Understanding history will serve  as  a guideline for future. He also stated that this is the first programme in the premises of newly constructed building of Library and Research Centre of the Ashram  and it  marks the beginning of programmes and activities from here.

Shri Pradeep Khelurkar, Secretary Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan made a  presentation on the theme Founding of Ashram at Segaon in 1936. He succinctly explained  the factors and thought process led to Gandhi's decision to settle down in a remote village like Segaon.He made a historical survey  of  Ashrams of Gandhi both in  South Africa and India  and major events during the establishment of the Ashram and the  historic significance of the place.He also announced that presentation will be made available online for the benefit  of all  through blog the website. He concluded his quoting Mahatma's own description of Sevagram. 

“Sevagram is to me a laboratory for ahimsa. If my experiment here was successful and I could find a solution for the little problems that confront me here, I am sure the same formula would provide me a solution for the bigger issues that today face us in the country. "

 Shri Chandan Pal, President of Sarva Seva Sangh  was the chief guest of the programme. He started his address by reminding the august audience  that today  is an auspicious  day  because it  marked the establishment of Sevgram Ashram and birth anniversary of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj. Village development was main focus of Gandhi during the Sevagram phase.Sevagram is not a tourist place . It is a place of inspiration and it has to be preserved for posterity. 

 Activists and representatives of different organizations including Shri Admir Ali Ajani,  Mrs.Sushma Sharma,  Shri Atul Sharma, teachers and workers of Nai Talim, Wardha District Sarvodaya Mandal and  workers  of the ashram were prominently present on the ocassion. The presence of veterans like Shri Babulal Ganveer and Shri. Nathuji Chavan who witnessed the establishment  and growth of Sevgram Ashram added colour to the programme. The programme concluded with a  vote of thanks from Shri Siddeshwar Umarkar ,office Secretary of the Ashram. Shri Namdeo Dhole of the Ashram was instrumental in  conducting the programme. 



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