
Showing posts from February, 2025

Sanjay Jayswal' s poems on Gandhi

  Visit of Dr.Sanjay Jayswal  Dr. Sanjay Kumar Jayswal,Faculty Member, Department of Hindi  Vidyasagar University Midnapore ,West Bengal visited the Library and Research Centre for Gandhian Studies of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan on 25 February 2025.Dr.Siby K Joseph, Director of the Centre welcomed  him and the accompanying team briefed  them about the activities of the Centre.On the ocassion of visit he recited two poems written on Gandhian  themes.  चरखा और तिरंगा  बचपन के पहले पाठ से अबतक नहीं भुल पाया मैं चरखा और तिरंगा तब दोनों का अर्थ  ठीक-ठीक नहीं पता था मुझे धीरे -धीरे पंद्रह अगस्त और छब्बीस जनवरी  मेरे लिए बनते गए चरखा और तिरंगा उन दिनों कितने प्यारे थे हमारे सत्य,अहिंसा  और प्रेम के पुजारी कितना अजीब है यह कि आज  सत्य की खोज और  सत्य के प्रयोग की आवाज़ झूठ के सामने  है लाचार  झूठ हमारे समय का सबसे बड़ा सच बन विस्थापित कर रहा  खादी,सद्भावना और सुराज को भय,घृणा और गरीबी के इस दौर में झूठ धर्मरक्षक बन नफ...

Article of Siby K. Joseph appeared in with original English Text

 Beyond the Brew: Amplify Gandhi's Message  Siby K. Joseph    The unethical use of the image of Gandhi, who took the strongest stand against alcohol in the world, by the Russian beer brand Revort to market their intoxicant must be opposed. Beyond mere opposition, what should Gandhi's own country do? Why are we failing to uphold Gandhi's message? - An investigation. An Article appeared in with the original English written by author    An artist shared a viral picture showcasing Mahatma Gandhi's image on a Russian brand beer, sparking widespread outrage. The artist aptly described this incident as "an insult of art." This was the tone of the messages that followed . This disturbing trend is not an isolated incident. Gandhi's image has been misused on alcoholic beverages before, despite his steadfast advocacy for prohibition and abstinence from alcohol. However, it is not uncommon for Gandhi's image to be used in various contexts i...

Awareness Programme for Women


Kasturba Gandhi's hut at Sevagram Ashram

Ba-Kuti: The Abode of Love  Siby Kollappallil Joseph  Akhilesh Jha' s  tribute to Kasturba Gandhi  Today marks 81 st remembrance day of Kasturba Gandhi, and the Ashram community came together in the early morning to pay their respects. The day began with a sacred Prabhat Pheri ritual, where the community assembled at Ghanti Ghar and took a round of the ashram premises, accompanied by devotional music, to reach the cottage of Ba Kuti.Participating in the Prabhat Pheri, a serene early morning ritual, was a moving experience for the ashram inmates. This timeless tradition, which has been lovingly continued over the years, fosters a deep sense of community, spirituality, and connection with the ashram's values and legacy.This ritual is reserved for special occasions, including Gandhi's birthday, his martyrdom day, and Kasturba's Memorial Day.  To commemorate the anniversary of Kasturba's demise, Akhilesh Jha, a renowned Gramophone Historian, created a beautiful draw...

International Seminar on “Mahatma Gandhi for the 21st Century: Building a Future of Peace, Justice, Fraternity, and Sustainable Development”

  International Seminar on “Mahatma Gandhi for the 21st Century: Building a Future of Peace, Justice, Fraternity, and Sustainable Development”  Seminar proceedings Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy is more relevant than ever in the 21st century, and a recent book publication embodies this idea. "Mahatma Gandhi for the 21st Century: Building a Future of Peace, Justice, Fraternity, and Sustainable Development" is a compilation of seminar proceedings that has been released in book form and as an eBook. This publication was officially launched on Sarvodaya Day, a day dedicated to honoring Gandhi's enduring vision and principles.  This  books carries a number of articles written by scholars and activists from different parts of the globe. Dr Siby K.Joseph Director of the Library and Research Centre for Gandhian Studies of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan contributed an article in this book which was originally presented in the International Seminar. 

Release of the Book

  The 1924 Belgaum Congress Session  : A Pictorial Narrative of Mahatma Gandhi’s Presidential Debut originally written in English by  Dr.Siby K Joseph and Dr Basavaraj Akki  was translated into Kannada and it was updated by  adding Gandhi’s presidential  and other documents .The revised version in Kannada  viz Gandhi Adhyakshateya 1924 Ra Belagavi Congress Adhiveshan   was released at 35th Annaual Session of the Karnataka History Congress at Kundapur , South Kanara, Karnataka  on 21st February 2025. The book was published by Somesvara Publications, Dharwad.  This work was undertaken as  a project of Library and Research Centre for Gandhian Studies of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan Wardha, Maharashtra. Another version of the book in Kannada is available in E book  at  Google play store.

M. K. Gandhi : Law Study in London

Deconstructing the Debate: Gandhi’s London Law Study   Siby Kollappallil    Joseph     Mahatma Gandhi's educational background has been a topic of discussion in recent times, with some claiming he had a law degree from University College London, while others argue he didn't. Gandhi himself never boasted about his educational qualifications, and his humility on the matter is evident in his writings.   Gandhi wrote : “ I admit my limitations. I have no university education worth the name. My high school career was never above the average. I was thankful if I could pass my examinations. Distinction in the school was beyond my aspiration. Nevertheless, I do hold very strong views on education in general, including what is called higher education.” 1     In fact, Gandhi's formal education was quite modest. He completed his primary education in Porbandar and later attended Alfred High School in Rajkot. Gandhi's higher education journey took him to ...

Dr.Yaha Wardak's visit to Sevagram Ashram

In search of Roots of Badshah Khan at Sevagram Wardha     

Lecture at Claretian Ashram


Prabhat Pheri at Sevagram Ashram

 Mahatma's Gentle Glow: Akhilesh Jha's Prabhat Pheri sketch of Sevagram Ashram Siby K.Joseph  The Prabhat Pheri at Sevagram Ashram is a revered ritual that takes place on select occasions, including October 2 (Gandhi Jayanti), January 30 (Martyrs' Day), and Kasturba's Memorial Day. At 5:45 am, the Ashram community and public gather at Nai Talim (Ghanti Ghar) for a devotional procession. Accompanied by Ramdhun and prayers, the procession winds its way through the Ashram premises, culminating at Bapu Kuti or Ba Kuti, depending on the occasion. This is followed by Sarva Dharma Prarthana at 6:00 am. This  gathering profoundly impacts the body and mind, fostering a deep sense of spiritual connection and community. As the ceremony concludes, participants join in a collective effort to clean the Ashram premises, symbolizing the cleansing of the mind and the environment. This ritual embodies importance of  prayer in spiritual growth, community service, and environmental stew...

Release of YouTube Channel of Bapu Katha

Launch of "Bapu Katha" YouTube Channel at Sevagram Ashram "Bapu Katha Wardha " YouTube channel ( com/@BapuKathaWardha ) was formally launched  at Sevagram Ashram   on January 13, 2025.   Radhaben  Bhatt  Former President Sarva Seva Sangh and Gandhi Peace Foundation, Dr. Ulhas Jajoo  MGIMS, Sevagram  Shri Anil Farsole, Shri Vijay Tambe Secretary Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan were present on the occasion. This channel showcases videos of "Bapu Katha," a series of lectures delivered by Shri Naryan Desai son  of Mahatma Gandhi's Secretary  Mahadev Desai in Wardha in 2006. The lectures provide an in-depth exploration of Mahatma Gandhi's thoughts, philosophy, and values This initiative aims to disseminate Gandhi's thoughts and philosophy to a wider audience and facilitate a deeper understanding of his values.   Dr. Ulhas Jajoo  speaking on the occasion gave  a brief introduction about Bapu Katha and ...

Belgaum Impressions By Mahatma Gandhi

 Belgaum Impressions By Mahatma Gandhi When there are too many impressions all clamouring for expression, the registrar's task becomes, unenviable. Such is my position as I take up the pencil to register my impressions of Belgaum. I can but try. Gangadhar Rao Deshpande and his band of workers rose to the highest height. His Vijayanagar was a triumph-not yet of Swaraj-but certainly of organisation. Every detail was well thought out. Dr. Hardikar's volunteers were smart and attentive. The roads were broad and well kept. They could easily be broader for the convenience of the temporary shops and the easy movement of thousands of sight-seers. The lighting arrangement well perfect. The huge pavilion with a marble fountain in front of it seemed to invite all who would enter it. The capacity of the pavilion could not be less than seventeen thousand. The sanitary arrangements though quite good needed still more scientific treatment then what they had. The method of the disposal of used...