
Showing posts from January, 2025

January 30 News Paper Reports


Three Abodes of Mahatma Gandhi at Sevagram

  Three Abodes of Bapu: An Artistic Tribute of Akhilesh Jha Siby K. Joseph  Akhilesh Jha, a renowned Gramophone Historian and Civil Servant working in the Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, embarked on a poignant journey to Sevagram Ashram in Wardha. His mission was to pay heartfelt tributes to the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, on two significant occasions  Gandhi  Jayanti ( October 2)  on the 77th anniversary of his martyrdom  (January 30) . As part of the tribute, on January 30, 2025  Akhilesh played  rare and historical records  paying tributes  to Mahatma on a gramophone at the Open Air Theatre of the Library and Research Centre of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, Wardha . The historic records transported the audience back in time, evoking a sense of nostalgia and reverence for the Mahatma's profound legacy. Deeply moved by the experience, Akhilesh felt inspired to create an artistic  tribu...

Inauguration of Gandhi King Online Course

  Commencement of Online Course Gandhi and King: Soul Force and Social Change The  online course, " Gandhi and King : Soul Force and Social Change," commenced on January 30, 2025, marking the beginning of a 10-week journey into the world of peace studies, nonviolence, and social change. This course was offered in collaboration with the Peace Institute, Germany and the Library and Research Centre for Gandhian Studies of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, Wardha, India. The inaugural session, led by the chief instructor  Prof.Michael Sonnleitner,  began at 8:30pm IST, with participants from around the world joining in. The session set the tone for the course, introducing the core concepts of peace studies, nonviolence, and social change  to be dealt with in the course of the course.The program started with sharing from Dr.Siby K Joseph about the activities  organized by Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan on the ocassion of 30 January 2025 and he expressed his happine...

IFPNP Valedictory Session

  The valedictory session of the International Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace (IFPNP-3) was held on January 30, 2025, with Kathy Kelly, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Board President of World Beyond War, as the guest of honor.The International Online Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace  was organized by Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan in association with Gandhi International,France; Academic University College for Non-Violence Lebanon;MGM University Aurangabad; International Centre for Non-violence ,Durban University of Technology, Portland Community College, Oregon.  Prof. Michael W. Sonnleitner chaired the session, introducing Kathy Kelly and highlighting her contributions to creating a peaceful world. Due to technical challenges, Kathy Kelly's keynote address was brief, but she will share her full video message with participants later. Shri Vijay Tambe, Secretary of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, emphasized the importance of nonviolence and peace in today...

Tributes to Mahatma Gandhi through Gramaphone records

 Spinning Memories: Gramophone and the Music of Gandhi  by Akhilesh Jha   Venue :Amphitheatre  of Sri Jamnalal Bajaj Memorial Library and Research Centre for Gandhian Studies Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan January 30 2025   The pursuit of understanding Mahatma Gandhi and his influences remains an evolving journey. One of the lesser-explored yet deeply resonant aspects of his life is his connection with music. Music played a profound role in Gandhi’s personal and political life, shaping his spiritual discipline and public engagements. In turn, his movement left an indelible mark on Indian music. Gandhi’s prayer meetings, which featured devotional songs, revitalized many traditional hymns and instilled a sense of unity and discipline among his followers. Ironically, the man who championed non-violence became a victim of violence. His assassination in 1948 left the nation in deep mourning, and the grief found expression through music. Eulogies for Gandhi were com...

Book Release Function at Sevagram and Bengaluru

 Hindi , English and Kannada versions of 1924 Congress Session Pictorial Book Released at Sevagram Ashram and Gandhi Bhavan Bengaluru  Book release function at Sevagram Ashram  On the occasion of  77 th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's martyrdom, the Hindi translation of the book " The 1924 Belgaum Congress Session:A Pictorial Narrative of Mahatma Gandhi's Presidential Debut at the Belgaum Congress Session-1924: A Pictorial History" written by Dr. Siby K. Joseph and Dr. Basavaraj N. Akki was released at a programme at Sevagram Ashram. The book was translated by Vivek Kumar Shaw, a research scholar at Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University,Wardha.The cover design was made by Shri Susheel Kumar Gotla in artist from Hyderabad.The book was published by Somesvara Publications Dharwad.  Book Cover designed by Susheel Kumar Gotla  The main objective of this book is to acquaint the younger generation with the significance of Mahatma Gandhi's presidential lead...

77 th Anniversary of Gandhi's martyrdom

 Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan observed the 77th Anniversary  of Mahatma Gandhi’s martyrdom on 30 January 2025 at Sevagram Ashram premises with a number of programmes. At  5.45 am a padayatra was organized  from Nai Talim Samiti (Ghanti Ghar) to Bapu Kuti  with Ramdhun.  It was followed by  Sarva Dharma Prarthana in front of Bapu Kuti at 6 am  with the participation of  Ashram community and large number of people .   After prayer,  all joined in the cleanliness activity in the premises of the ashram . Around 10 am  a padayatra which started from  Gandhi  statue  reached the ashram premises .  At 10.00 am, the public  program began with recitation of  bhajan “Vaishnav Jan To Tane Kahiye Je.....“ by the students of Anand Niketan Vidyalaya, Sevagram . After that, a silent tribute was paid to departed souls   viz.  Shri Mohan Hirabai Hiralal, Gadchiroli, Shri. Anna Jadhav, Satara, sen...

IFPNP Valedictory Session

Valedictory Session of International Online Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace    Embracing  Challenges   By   Kathy Kelly  Nobel Peace Prize Nominee &  Board President  World Beyond War   January 30, 2025 @Google Meet 4.00 pm IST jmp-qocv-npd The valedictory Session of the International Online Fellowship Program on Nonviolence and Peace organized by Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan in association with Gandhi International,France; Academic University College for Non-Violence Lebanon;MGM University Aurangabad; International Centre for Non-violence ,Durban University of Technology, Portland Community College, Oregon will be held  on January 30, 2025. The program was commenced on October 2, 2024. The Library and Research Centre of Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan is instrumental in coordinating the program.   About the Speaker  Kathy Kelly , co-coordinates Voices for Creative Nonvi...

Draft Constitution prepared by the Constitutional Adviser B. N. Rau

  Benegal Narasigma Rau (I) TEXT OF THE DRAFT CONSTITUTION October 1947 PREAMBLE We, the people of India, seeking to promote the common good, do hereby, through our chosen representatives, enact, adopt, and give to ourselves this Constitution. PART I–THE FEDERATION AND ITS TERRITORY AND JURISDICTION DCA.1 1.(1) As from the date of commencement of this Constitution “India” shall be a Federation. (2) The territories of the Federation shall consist of- (a) the Provinces, hereinafter called Governors’ Provinces, (b) the Provinces, hereinafter called Chief Commissioners’ Provinces, and (c) the Indian States for the time being included in the First Schedule to this Constitution, hereinafter called Federated States. (3) On and after such date as may be appointed in this behalf by Act of the Federal Parliament, each unit of the Federation shall be called a “State”. DCA.2 2. The Federal Parliament may from time to time by Act include new territories in the First Sc...