
Showing posts from June, 2024

Plantation Drive

  Efforts to make Sevagram Road Green  On July 1, 2024 Nisarg Seva Samiti , Wardha took the initiative to plant   saplings of Neem trees in the road side just opposite to the ashram. The plantation drive started from the premises of the Library , research centre and museum premises. It will continue up to Sevagram chowk. This was done  with the support of individuals who had donated tree guards in the loving memory of their  family members.  The programme of tree plantation and its maintenance  was organized with support of Nai Talim Samiti. Teachers and students of Anand Niketan school, Sevagram  joined hands with   Nisarg Seva Samiti , Wardha in this mission. Shri Muralidhar Belkhode, President of the Samiti coordinated the programme. Shri. Vijay Tambe, Secretary of Sevagram Ashram also joined hands with a number of public personalities related to various organizations in the plantation drive. Prior to  the plantation drive   Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan  undertook cleanliness drive i

Ashadevi Aryanayakam

Asha Devi Aryanayakam : A Dedicated  Educationist                                                         Siby K. Joseph   “The Secretaries of the Hindustani Talimi Sangh are Aryanayakam and his wife. They too are votaries of truth and non-violence. I am busy otherwise and they have to run the scheme. They are the moving spirit behind Nayee Talim. It is not even Zakir Saheb. He is only the President. If Aryanayakum and Asha Devi abandoned it the scheme would collapse. It is not an organization which can run on its own.”  M. K. Gandhi , Speech at Prayer Meeting New Delhi, December 14, 1947 A sha Devi and her husband Aryanayakam were the moving spirit  behind Gandhi’s  revolutionary scheme of education. It was through them Gandhi spread his scheme of Basic Education or  Nai Talim which he placed before the country   in 1937. The year 1937 was the silver jubilee of the Marwadi High School or Navabharat Vidyalaya at Wardha. The management  of the school ,as part of the school’s silve

Charkha Room in a Nagpur School Times of India Report

When a Nagpur School decided to start  a Charkha room not many were convinced the idea would tick. Nine months down the line, Bapu's good old charkha, like always, triumphed& guided children away from smartphone-induced vices like edginess and aggressive behaviour  Times City  Sunday Times of India , Nagpur, June 30, 2024 p .8  

Remembering Ashadevi and E.W.Aryanayakam

Ma- Baba  Smriti Diwas    To pay tributes to Ashadevi  and E. W. Aryanayakam, Nai Talim Samiti Sevagram  organized  a prayer meeting at  Anandwan   Samadhi Sthal  on June 30, 2024. The teachers and staff members of the Samiti conducted the interreligious prayer.  Dr. Prabhakar Pusadkar, Secretary, Nai Talim Samiti, Sevagram addressed the gathering after the prayer meeting.  He gave a brief outline of the life and work of Ashadevi   and E. W. Aryanayakam,  and their contributions in furthering Gandhi’s vision of Nai Talim.  The Aryanayakam  couple had intimate  relations with the Nai talim community  and they were described as  Ma- Baba.   Dr. Siby K. Joseph , Director, Library and Research  Centre, Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, Wardha also spoke on the occasion. As June 30 marks the death anniversary of  Ashadevi  Aryanayakam he spoke about her unique personality. He brought into the notice of the audience that  though the Government of India honoured Ashadevi in 1954, with the award of

Sansthakul June 2024, Vol.54, N0.3

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Visit of Actor Aamir Khan at Sevagram Ashram

Photos,News Clippings,Videos    आमिर खान म्हणतोय, “गांधी विचारांचा माझ्यावर प्रभाव”; सेवाग्राम आश्रमाला भेट विख्यात अभिनेता आमीर खान यांचा आजचा वर्धा दौरा अत्यंत गोपनीय स्वरूपात आटोपला. तीन दिवसांपूर्वी त्यांनी दौऱ्याची सूचना दिली होती. Written by लोकसत्ता टीम वर्धा June 23, 2024 21:12 IST आमिर खान म्हणतोय, “गांधी विचारांचा माझ्यावर प्रभाव”; सेवाग्राम आश्रमाला भेट (छायाचित्र - लोकसत्ता टीम) वर्धा : विख्यात अभिनेता आमिर खान यांचा आजचा वर्धा दौरा अत्यंत गोपनीय स्वरूपात आटोपला. तीन दिवसांपूर्वी त्यांनी दौऱ्याची सूचना दिली होती. मात्र, याबाबत कुणालाही कळवू नका, माध्यमांना दूर ठेवा, असे त्यांनी बजावले होते. तरीही त्यांची भेट गाजलीच. आमिर खान हे पाणी फाउंडेशनचे काम बघतात. सर्वत्र चालणाऱ्या या कामासाठी आता ‘फार्मर कप’ देण्यात येणार असून त्याचा आरंभ त्यांनी वर्धा जिल्ह्यातून केला. महात्मा गांधी आंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी विद्यापीठात आमिर खान यांचे ‘फार्मर कप’ स्पर्धा आयोजनात स्वागत करण्यात आले. या ठिकाणी उपस्थित शेतकऱ्यांशी त्यांनी संवाद साधला. त्यांच्या अडचणी समजून घेतल्या. या उपक्रमातून वर्धा जिल्ह

Allowance for the upkeep of Gandhi as a State Prisoner in 1930

  False Social Media Propaganda against Gandhi : A Factual Analysis    Siby K. Joseph     A false propaganda against Gandhi is gaining momentum through social media in connection with the allowance for the upkeep of Gandhi as a State Prisoner in 1930 by the British Government. Usually this type of propaganda coincides with Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday or martyrdom.  I received   a WhatsApp message a couple of days back from a person associated with a Gandhian organization for quite a long time.  I noticed that this message was forwarded many times.  It is as follows: “Finally, that letter was found in national records. In 1930, MK Gandhi was getting ₹100 per month from the British for personal expenses. At that time, the market price of 10 grams of gold was ₹18. The market value of ₹100 of that time is currently around ₹2.88 lakhs. But why were they paying Gandhi? To help the British crush the real freedom fighters?  It must be remembered that at that time the non-cooperation movement had

Symposium of Rashtriya Yuva Sangatan
